Friday, March 09, 2007

Random Musings

So... I've finally managed to scrape together the enthusiasm to write a blog post for my oft-neglected blog. Go me! Sometimes I wonder where all the time goes off to *sigh*. It's been four months and I've changed so much. These days, when I look in the mirror I think to myself that I'm old enough to do the whole maturity thing. Then I hear my mum's voice say 'You're old enough to have your own kids, for crying out loud!!'. *shudder* Maybe it's better to remain wilfully ignorant of the big bad world.

Seriously though, I've changed... a lot. I've become a bit more outgoing and have started wearing makeup. There was a time when I wouldn't know one end of an eyeliner from another. Heck, I even willingly had my hair oiled the other day. And, I've discovered that I have a shoe fetish *looks unreasonably pleased with self*. A small one, but a fetish none the less.

Aside from that, there hasn't been any significant change in, say, my schedule *thumbs nose at Eris*. Today, I had the one lecture I can successfully daydream in. Eris, you know what I'm talking about. It was... rather entertaining if I do say so myself. I mean the daydream, not the lecture.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have something named after me. Something really cool like a mathematical formula or a theorem. It would have to be seriously twisted and (potentially) be the cause of a considerable amount of grief for students everywhere. Not something that's debunked in twenty years (J. J. Thompson and his atoms spring to mind).

It's like Pythagoras and Euclid who lived donkey's years ago. Everyone knows about Pythagoras and Euclid. Not that I'd be able to quote Euclid's theorem to you. I mean, I do know it: if someone showed me a copy of said theorem, a little lightbulb at the back of my head would blink and go 'Awwww duuuuuuuude!' (I never said it was a particularly bright lightbulb).

Ofcourse, to even have a snowball's chance in hell of getting there, I'd have to spend a lot more time studying in the library. Not that I don't spend time in the library, because I do. It's just a lot easier to daydream about punching He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Mentioned-But-Who-Frequently-Is, and about *ahem* other figments of my imagination. This ofcourse, leads to smug smirks and sniggering, which in turn leads to my receiving dirty looks and loud shushes from a dweeb at a neighbouring table. At this point, I usually gather up the shreds of my dignity and leave. Honestly, can't even have a giggle in the library anymore. What is the world coming to?

Seriously though, my mind sometime freaks even me out. The other day I was watching the second Matrix movie, and during the rather odd sex scene, all I could think about was whether the sockets on Keanu Reeves' back were of the co-axial cable variety *?*.

Well, now that I've finally finished with this, I'm really craving ice cream. It's not my ice cream, it belongs to a flatmate. But she made the supreme mistake of telling me to 'help myself'. Who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth?