Sunday, February 26, 2006

Right. So, its summer again. Joy.
You know what? Other people in other countries have the sense to ease into the whole heat thing. First you have a pleasant, invigorating spring that heralds the warm summer months full of people enjoying days in the park and at the beach and blah. Just blah.
Over here, we don’t have any truck with the whole easing into it bit. Oh no! We jump from a cold winter ( cold enough to make early morning lectures hell to get to but not cold enough for me to enjoy snow) straight into barbecue night in hell (a.k.a summer in Bombay). Ugh. In case you’re reeeeeeeeeeeaaallly slow, I HATE SUMMER!
Ugh! Its hot, its humid, my hair curls even more than usual and the pool gets infested with annoying little brats who do nothing but splash and make a racket and seem to be laboring under the delusion that pool = toilet.
And as Leilani was kind enough to remind me, the weather is annoyingly fine in Wales.
Sigh. I love winter. Why can’t it be winter all year round?
If you try to tell me that we must have summer to better appreciate the winter, I will be forced to hurt you. Well anyway…..
Have yourselves a wonderful time, regardless of the weather whilst I drive everyone around me to commit ritualistic suicide by my incessant whining.


Blogger Leilani said...

We're writing about the weather... how sad is that?

3:59 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

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4:29 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

its pretty darn what else could we possibly write about? we ARE sad, you know.

4:31 AM  

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