Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Man Walks into a Bar...

It's all about the pubs. Atleast that's what the student's union says. Everyone agrees with them ofcourse... even the 'Bellringing society'. I'll never understand the logic behind it. Why on earth would you want to go get yourself sloshed, if the only possible outcome is a hangover.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. My flatmates, Pange and Sez, regale me with tales of random frootloops getting drunk and dancing around in circles. I'll never forget the time time when they accidentally walked into a gay bar. The bartender asked them if they were gay, to which Sez replied "Oh no! We're students." Well... that explains everything, doesn't it? Their problems were compounded further when she added that they were bi.

Half the student population here in Cardiff seem to be connected to the city clubs in one way or another. Take next door neighbour Steve, for instance. He's a bouncer. One of his pick up lines just happens to be "If you pretend to be my girlfriend I can get you into any club for free". Anyway... he goes bouncing every night from Monday to Friday and earns £ 8 an hour.

I do wonder, occasionally, what it might be like to work in a bar. If you ignore the long hours and blokes singing off-key renditions of 'Jerusalem' during rugby season, it might even be fun. They might even give free drinks to employees. Well... I'd better not let mum in on that little bit of info. She'd hit the roof.

Ah well... that's all I can come up with for now. Watch this space... or do something more productive. It could be a while before I update.


Blogger Eris said...

honey, the next time you tell me that you can't write or are not creative, i will be forced to smack you.
what did you say leilani was again? not the passionate lover is it?
you get bucket loads of lollipops!!!!!

9:57 PM  
Blogger Leilani said...

eris... I can't really help it if I had a rare burst of creativity. and Leilani means Royal child or summat like that. I think Mano meant passionate lover.

3:44 AM  

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