Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Art of Exaggeration

I've only ever seen snow twice. So I suppose you can understand my enthusiasm on listening to radio reports expecting snowfall all over the UK. "I can't believe it's actually snowing everywhere in the country" said Claire on 'Flirty at 10:30'. I did see the snow this morning. As a matter of fact, I counted a grand total of 10 snowflakes. Yes... I counted. The rest of it was rain. It was an anti-climax, to say the least.
Having nothing better to do with my time, I started to wonder. Are all weather reports slightly exaggerated? Is it only the weather reports? Why is it that when I look for examples of exaggeration, I can't find them? Could this have anything to do with Murphy's Law? I did a Google search on 'exaggeration'. All I wanted to do was check and see if I got the spelling right. I love Google. Not only did it check my spelling for me, it threw up a definition and a bunch of quotes as well. Here are some of my favourites.
There are people so addicted to exaggeration, they can't tell the truth without lying. -Josh Billings.
Man is inclined to exaggerate almost everything- except his own mistakes. -Author Unknown.
Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught. -Author Unknown.
(You can find these quotes and more like them at I included them in this post, because I needed to practise referencing... sort of.)
I wonder if life is less interesting without exaggeration. I'd have to conclude that it is. Anyone who's read Jerome K. Jerome's 'Three Men In A Boat' might agree with me. No... wait... they should agree with me.
Now I shall wind this piece up and spare you further confusion from this current bout of randomness. Not that this is very confusing. It's just exaggeration, you know.


Blogger Eris said...

yup, random about covers that. oh poor you, after waiting for snow and you got a big wet pile of nothing

9:57 PM  
Blogger Leilani said...

How can rain be a big wet pile? Wouldn't 'puddle' be more appropriate?

3:47 AM  

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