Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Ten Things That I've Failed To Understand
  1. Eris' obsession with goose berries and the like.
  2. Eris.
  3. French, Marathi, Hindi... basically any language besides English.
  4. The outcry over 'Baa-Baa Black sheep' (it's racist apparently). The powers-that-be have proposed to rename it 'Baa-Baa Rainbow sheep'. I'm not sure how much water this particular idea holds. Would the word 'Rainbow' refer to spray-painted/graffitied sheep, perchance? (I've just heard that it refers to people of all colours... whatever that means.)
  5. The 'Neighbours' society.
  6. The point of frying asparagus... and consequently setting off the fire alarms. And I wasn't the one who did it.
  7. Using straightening irons to straighten straight hair.
  8. Writing a philosophy essay over two bottles of wine. Sez and Pange tried this once. They even managed to contradict both Plato and God in one sentence (stroke of brilliance, really). Unfortunately, they woke up the next morning with splitting headaches, and couldn't remember what it was.
  9. Plato's theory of the realm of the forms. Something to do with every object/idea having a perfect form in an abstract realm of perfect forms. My conclusion... Plato had no life.
  10. Kilts. Isn't it rather cold and windy in Scotland?


Blogger Eris said...

despite the fact that you made fun of me (yet again) i like this. its hilarious. right, i use that word waaaay too much. the plato thing sounds interesting so here's your new mission.... either you type out your notes and send them to me or you go online, find some links and send those to me. why? because i have no life either. you think the wine consumtion method will work for my electronics assignments?

10:33 PM  
Blogger Leilani said...

My notes? Eris... I'm studying engineering, not philosophy. However, if you insist on having no life, then you might want to read Plato's Republic. That's what my flatmates read anyway.

Wine comsumption while doing assignments depends on your resistance to alcohol and the availability of a good hangover cure (just in case).

12:33 PM  
Blogger Eris said...

hey lei! where the heck have you been? the creepy guy you were avoiding finally catch up with you?
gosh, you know i love reading your posts, so post something soon.

12:38 AM  
Blogger Jinx said...

I so agree with you on no.7. N now I have finally commented on your blog so you have to give me something.
N girl, you must be insane to think that you arent funny. Youre hilarious!! Its just ppl are too bloody lazy to comment, not coz you arent funny.

10:54 PM  

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